Saturday, January 9, 2016

I Have Had a Thobbing Head Most of the Day

I have had a throbbing head most all day which is part of the pump head I go through daily. I sat in my chair and tried to relax and sleep. That did not happen. With my body shaking, I got up and tried to drive and do a couple of errands. That was very hard for me. Before all this pump head I could do most anything but not so much any more.

I am worn out most of the time from little sleep every night. This is also part of the pump head syndrome. I have anxiety, insomnia, irritability, headache, nervousness, tremor,and weakness. I hate the word depression as it make people think you are crazy and I am not crazy.

I am searching for natural alternatives or natural solutions to help. If any one knows of any thing that might help please let me know so I can check into it.

I know God can heal this as ALL things are possible with God. It must be God`s will and I pray God`s will be done.

I will probably write daily as what is going on in my body. The racing mind is also a big part of this pump head thing.

I have shared this with many people and no one has heard about it so its going to be interesting to hear from people who are going through this.

Please IF you have this pump head syndrome please lets talk and lets get the information out to millions of people who NEED to know about this thing.

Until next writing take care and pray.



  1. I am so happy to see you are writing again, dear Mary! It will do you much good, I believe. May the Lord guide your thoughts and hands as you proceed to bring this blog back to life. God bless you, dear sister.

    Stephanie Pasco

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. It means so much to me.
      I want to start writing again. We all have much to write about maybr to help others with what we have and are going through.
      Praise God for the chance to write again.
